Steam Jet Air Ejector Maintenance/Performance
American Efficiency Services offers Steam Jet Air Ejector Maintenance/Performance. Get thorough air injector inspections, repairs as needed, proper cleaning, detailed reports with photos and maintenance documentation, and improved performance. AES is considered the efficiency experts because we put safety first on every job, value thorough work, and provide detailed findings of every task completed. Get your quote today.
When Is Steam Jet Air Ejector Maintenance Required?
- Water issuing from after condenser vent
- Turbine fire in the plants operating history
- Last internal inspection of air ejector >7 years
- Numerous leaks identified on air ejector during in-leakage inspection
Dimensionally Incorrect Steam Nozzles Will Result in One or All the Following:
- Poor vacuum with minimal sources of air leakage identified.
- No shock wave or cold region identifiable on the ejector diffusers
- Surging or stalling sounds coming from the ejector stages.
- Station required to operate both sets of ejectors to maintain vacuum.
What is Included in Steam Jet Air Ejector Maintenance from AES?
- Air ejectors are disassembled and inspected to identify internal degradation.
- Repairs are made and internals cleaned and restored to manufacture’s specification.
- Condensers are inspected on both shell and tube side to determine required maintenance.
- Drains are disassembled and inspected along with rebuild/replacement of drain traps.
- A detailed report w/ pictures documenting all maintenance.
Typical Findings:
- Loose steam nozzle resulting in erosion of steam chest
- Plugged air ejector drains
- Plugged air ejector nozzles
- Worn air ejector nozzles
- Incorrect/improper gasket installation
Expected Performance Results Post Maintenance:
- Air removal system is capable of operating with single stage of 1st and 2nd stage ejectors
- Condensate will be within the capacity of the condenser drain system eliminating moisture in the air ejector vent
- Steam will no longer emit from the air ejector vent
- Hogger operation will be limited to startup operation only
- Vacuum will be restored to design levels that will support generation schedule